I put them in a bowl and marinated them in the BBQ sauce for about 3-4 hours.
I then put them on a baking sheet and cooked them for about 10-15 mins
They were absolutely out of this world!!! They were really succulent and even looked just like meat. My husband said this was the kind of thing he had been missing since he went Vegetarian. I am now a Vegan and I have to admit, it freaked me out a bit eating them, because they were SO similar to meat. But they are totally guilt free and no animal has had to die for it! They truly are delicious :-)
I would challenge ANY meat eater to a taste challenge between these and pieces of chicken thigh meat (bleurgh!) marinated in the same sauce. I truly believe no one could tell the difference!!
I am a huge fan of Redwood foods and have placed a large order this afternoon for Christmas and the New Year, that is, if we don't eat it all before that!! haha
If you are looking for a GOOD meat replacement, especially if you are a new Vegetarian or Vegan, you seriously cannot go wrong with these chicken style pieces.
My Personal Blog - Stinky Boo